Ride Accessories

I was just watching a special episode of Top Gear the other day. In this episode, two of the hosts were racing a third host to the 1996 magnetic North Pole (apparently, it drifts!). The pair was using a pickup truck and the third a dog sled. Of course, ordinary vehicles wouldn’t stand endeavors like this. It would need special equipment to survive such an ordeal. And that’s exactly what they did. They equipped the pickup truck with huge tires to be able to traverse the fjords and gaps on the ice, huge fender flares for the tires, winches that they had to use in several occasions, and a lot of other items that made the trip possible, if not survivable. It only shows that with the right truck and auto accessories, you can equip your ride to go just about anywhere. In case you were wondering who won the race, it was the team with the pickup truck. A little unorthodox but they got the job done.

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