Cute Blogger Award

Again, thanks Mhay for this. :)

The Rules:1. Each blogger must post these rules.
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write ten facts about themselves. You need to choose ten people to tag and list their names.

Ten Random Facts About Me:

1. I love chocolates. A day won't pass without me having at least one bite of chocolate.
2. I got married at 28.
3. It takes about 30 mins from my house to our office but I'm always late.
4. I'm still on the twilight saga currenly reading breaking dawn. I'm too late na no? :D
5. I don't know how to cook and the only help I can give now here at home is to look for a mold killer.
6. I'm sportsminded. I particularly like swimming.
7. I love to dance.
8. I love to sing too but singing doesn't like me. :)
9. I'll celebrate my 10th year at work on April.
10. I don't know how to apply make-up.
Don't know who else to tag. Feel free to snag this if you want. :)

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Anonymous said...

love love chocolates too ;-) in any shape and form. hehehe. happy valentines day and have a great week! ;-)