I'm Still Here

A lot of things have been going on at work right now that I don’t have much time to blog. I’m currently doing some business developments in Iloilo and it’s really exciting. Our President sees a big potential and we really hope everything will work out according to plan.

In terms of my personal life, everyone is doing great. Lance is on vacation now and I enrolled both him and Hannah to a swim school. They attend classes every Saturday, but that deserves a separate post. Paul is still job hunting, had some interviews already and we hope he finds a job soon. My parents are now in New Zealand and will stay there as long as they can. That’s it! To my dear readers, as if I have a lot LOL, I’m still here, and nope I have not neglected this blog, I’ll do my best to update you with what’s going on as often as I can. :)

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