Child Insurance

Since I got back home, I haven’t been doing much aside from taking care of Lance. Sometimes, I just find myself staring at Lance even while he’s asleep. Being away from Lance for months at a time, there is nothing I want to do more than to spend time with him and take care of him and make sure he grows up well and healthy. Toni and I have even talked about getting child insurance for Lance. This would really be helpful especially at his age where he is still very vulnerable. Just the other day, we heard that two kids from Toni’s hometown contracted dengue fever, and one of them was still in a critical condition. It’s news like these that worry parents.

Toni and I are lucky that Lance is healthy even if he doesn’t take vitamins and he hasn’t become ill; just the occasional coughs and colds. Other than that, he’s perfectly healthy. But still, that’s no reason not to get child insurance, right? Having insurance is having security.

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BeccA's Buzz said...

Your baby is just beautiful! I love the pictures on the side that change. He looks like a real joy to be around, congratulations!!!