A Puppy for Lance???

I’d really like to get a puppy for Lance in the future, Toni just doesn’t want it. I’m more of a dog person than a cat person. Maybe because cats aren’t really playful compared to dogs, at least from my point of view. The first dog that I remember we had was a mongrel named Bandit. He was called such because his face had large spots on each eye that makes him look like he’s wearing a mask. We’ve had several dogs through the years. Yeah mostly were mongrels, but we also had a Japanese Spitz. I’m really fond of dogs, especially puppies. I was actually bitten by one of our dogs when he was just a puppy. You see, we were just playing around and maybe he got a little too excited and nibbled on my finger. Anyway, I’d usually buy chew toys and leashes that restrain the dog at the chest whenever we get a new dog. The next time we get a dog, I’ll surely buy an indoor dog potty before we train him to do his stuff outdoors. That way, he’ll keep himself and the house clean, not to mention to keep the odor out as well.

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