Baby Needs

When we learned that we were pregnant, Paul and I, well mostly just me, started thinking of the things to buy for our baby. And I got more excited when we learned that we’re having a girl. I’ve thought of the basic things that a baby need like crib, strollers, feeding bottles, etc. Well we won’t be buying a crib anymore since the one Lance used before is still in good condition. I’m still thinking if we will buy a new stroller since the one we have now can be used for babies 3 months and above. I was referred to a site that gives buyers a guide when buying strollers. The site even talks about different stroller styles like lightweight and umbrella strollers (which we have now), full featured, travel systems, tandem strollers, jogging strollers, all terrain strollers and carriage strollers. I like the full featured stroller since it is has several features that are good especially for newborns. The site is really nice since it has prices for each type and for the different stores that offers it. Well we haven’t decided yet if we’ll buy one. We’ll see. :)

So far, I think we have everything prepared and are just waiting for the coming of baby Hannah. I bought clothes already, blankets, cloth diapers, etc. I also had my check up this morning and the OB said my cervix is still closed but she already gave me an admission slip in case I go into labor. Please pray for my health that I may have a safe and normal delivery. Pray for baby Hannah too. Thanks! :)

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Marj and Carlos said...

Good luck with the delivery :)

Paul and Toni said...

hi marj! thanks a lot! :)