
We have a new helper/nanny at home. I picked her up at my friend’s house last night and it’s her first day today. I should be happy since there’ll be someone who’ll take care of Hannah when her nanny leaves, right? But no! This is my first time ever to hire a household help. I’m so not used to it and a lot of negative thoughts are flooding my mind right now. I never got used to having someone I don’t know inside our house. I grew up with only my mom taking care of all of us. The nanny/helper I have now has been with us for 11 years already. She started with my brother’s family and when they migrated, she transferred to us. And since she’s been with us for so long, I don’t treat her as someone else. She’s already part of the family.

So what’s my problem? I’m scared of having someone I don’t really know too well living with us in our home and taking care of my daughter. When Paul, my sister and I will go to work on weekdays, there’ll only be the two nannies and the two kids who’ll be left behind. It’s ok if my trusted nanny R will just stay home and take care of Lance. But what if Lance wants to go out and play? Nanny P will be left in the house with just my little princess and I don’t think I can handle that.

People have been telling me to observe her first and give her the benefit of a doubt. Maybe she’s trustworthy and can really take care of my daughter well. I do hope and pray she’ll do her job well. I’m thinking of resigning from work so I’ll be the one to take care of the kids and we won’t need an additional nanny. It will just be me and our trusted Ate R. I really don’t know what to do. Times are hard now and I don’t think it will be wise if I resign from work. Haayyy… for now, what I can do is I pray to God that our new nanny will be as trustworthy and as reliable as Ate R. Good luck to us! Pray for us too :)

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