Remembering My College Days

I remember when I was still studying in college. I took up engineering which means almost all of my subjects are heavy on math. I have math homework almost everyday or if not, I have plenty of solving problems during classes. Some of my classmates even seek free math tutoring for they can’t handle it anymore. Maybe they feel as if their brain is going to blow up! I felt that way too before because of too much studying and whenever I feel that I’m giving up, I rest, relax and eat. After a few I hours, I’m back to myself solving math problems. During 2nd year I thought I would be getting Calculus help because I thought it was so complicated and heavy. Thank God I manage to pass the subject. My friends got help in Calculus and because of that they were able to pass the subject. I’m really thankful that there are sites like this to help students understand the subject more and at the same time won’t have to worry on payment because its free!

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