School and Art

Lance has been going to school for three weeks already. He is enjoying his time there and I always look forward everyday when I get home from work to listen to his stories on what he did in school that day. I’m really glad he enjoys school because that’s all we really want for now. I also look forward to Fridays because that’s when he takes home this blue envelope containing all the things he did in school for that week and also if there are assignments for the following week and circulars that the parents need to know about the school. Just like yesterday, his blue envelope contains all the art works he did in school. It also contains art lesson plans which include classroom ceramics and the like. I remember one of his art works wherein he painted the drawing of their school in red. They did it on their first day of school and I saw him while he was painting that. They also look cute when they do art works because they are wearing an apron. :) Anyhow, I don’t know if the school will provide ceramic art education to these kids but I just hope that they will really learn the love for art.

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