We were surprised yesterday when Hannah was so hot after going to church. I immediately checked her temperature and it was 39.2! Thankfully she's still lively and "makulit" despite the fever. After I gave her paracetamol, her temp went down but shoots up again in the afternoon. But during the night, her fever was 39.4 and there were rashes coming out that Paul and I decided to bring her to the ER.
The pedia there told us that it is too early yet to detect what's causing the fever and the rashes and if she goes thru with the CBC it will still show normal results because it hasn't been 24 hours since she got fever. We were asked to monitor her temperature and the spread of the rashes, if there'll be any. They gave her paracetamol and waited until her temp goes down. It was 39.2 when we were admitted and thankfully, the paracetamol helped. She still has fever when we left but it was just 38.4. They prescribed paracetamol and anti-histamine and instructed us to let Hannah have a bed rest for 2 days and visit the pedia on Feb 13.
When I called the house this afternoon, the yaya said that her temp is down to 37 and hopefully it will continue to go down. We hope that the little girl will be ok soon.
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